

Mar 24, 2023

The NHS dentist crisis comes down to one question: should we pay for services we can’t use? 

False teeth and spectacles: two things we tend to think more about as we age. They have also been potent political symbols in healthcare for much of the long lifetime of the NHS. Within a few years of its creation, false teeth and spectacles had prompted the resignation of the politician who had set the service up. Nye Bevan felt that charging for dentistry was the thin end of the wedge that would destroy his precious free health service, even though he had agreed to prescription charges a few years previously. That thin end of the wedge argument still comes out a lot today as the NHS heads towards the grand old age of 75.The NHS is still free at the point of access. But when it comes to teeth – false or otherwise – the problem isn't so much that you have to pay for them but that you can't actually access the treatment you need. Large parts of England have become "dental deserts", with a dearth of NHS dentists and waiting lists stretching into the thousands and over years. Recently, Liberal Democrat leader, Sir Ed Davey, warned that 21 per cent of people who couldn't get an NHS dentist appointment resorted to a DIY job on their teeth.

The British Dental Association says patients are choosing to have teeth removed because it is cheaper than trying to save them. The House of Commons Library also found that just a third of adults and 44 per cent of children have seen an NHS dentist in the past two years. Many dentists are not taking on any new patients at all. Ministers have stopped pretending that NHS dentistry hasn't largely fallen over: only this week the minister responsible for the sector, Neil O’Brien, admitted to the Health and Social Care Select Committee that "there is a lot to fix in NHS dentistry" and the sector needed "quite a lot of overhaul".

There are lots of problems with dentistry, including the same retention problem that the NHS has: staff don't feel valued and either quit the profession entirely or go overseas. But for dentists, it is compounded by a contract agreed in 2006 which makes it near-impossible for them to balance the books for NHS patients.

Dentistry has always suffered from being a rather forgotten wing of the health service: at the same committee, its chair, Steve Brine, said he found it "devastating" that the integrated care boards now overseeing healthcare provision in local areas didn't have any representatives of dentistry sitting on them. This has made it harder to see the crisis for what it is – and it makes it harder to see how it could be replicated in the wider NHS too.

Some health chiefs fear the kind of exodus of patients that dentistry has seen: if you want timely treatment for your teeth, then you go private, either using your savings or crowdfunding dentures, as Danielle Watts did (after extracting 13 of her own teeth herself because she couldn't find an NHS dentist and couldn't afford a private one either).

She told the BBC recently that her crowdfunding campaign, which raised around £2,500, had given her a "mouthful of teeth" and her confidence back. The same is happening for healthcare, with patients stuck waiting for months for hip replacements also resorting to crowdfunders so they can go private and get on with their lives.

These are "self-pay" patients, and the number of these people who pay upfront for their care rather than having medical insurance is still much higher than pre-pandemic, according to the Private Healthcare Information Network. But more people are taking out private healthcare insurance too, with the latest figures showing that private admissions are continuing to grow: in the third quarter of 2022, there were 134,000 privately insured admissions, the highest level since the pandemic.

Now, you might say at least people who can somehow go private are just freeing up space for the ones who cannot: that was always the argument Margaret Thatcher made for having her own private treatment. But the problem is eventually those patients start to wonder why they are effectively paying twice: once through their taxes for the healthcare they can't access, and again for the treatment they need from a private provider.

It will be much harder to sustain consent for higher taxes for the health service in this scenario. The reason dentistry should be a warning for the wider health service is it is perfectly possible for a system to effectively fall over without making a loud crashing sound as it does, but at some point the public start to notice that they’re getting a lot less than they thought they were paying for, even if they’ve become used to paying for those false teeth and spectacles.